
If you have ever seen the movie "The Blues Brothers" you will realize the significance of the photo below.  This was affectionately known as "The Powder River Blues-Mobile".  

The trailer was kept ugly and unmarked to discourage theft.  Many a musician has had windows broken out of their cars because they had a little "Live music is best" bumper sticker.  It was an old trick to not conspicuously display the use of the vehicle and in this case the trailer.  

The car used to tow the trailer was a full size Pontiac Bonneville, a real cruiser.  The Pontiac had a big V8 and it was needed, the trailer weighed 2,800 lbs. loaded.  

To get an idea of how much work it is to set up a bandstand, the trailer weighed 800 lbs. empty.  One ton of music equipment packed to the stage by hand and set up.



This sign was posted in "The Sunset Cafe" in Cle Elum, Washington.


This was Billy Jay and Jef performing at the Sunset Cafe.  This place was a lot of fun.  Billy Jay and Jef were offered a recording contract with First American Records (a Seattle firm) when their corporate officers frequented the night club while staying at a dude ranch just outside of town.


The next two pictures are Billy Jay and Jef playing in Silverdale, Washington at the Poplars Restaurant and Motel.  The restaurant and motel are still in Silverdale however a regional shopping mall has been built next door (Silverdale Mall).



Billy Jay and Jef with the antics (and hats) they were famous for.


The large black speaker cabinet at the left of the stage in the picture below is one of two used and built by Billy Jay.  These cabinets were built from plans designed by Richard Granum of a scaled down version of Altec Lancing "Voice of the Theater" speaker cabinets.  The speakers were Electro-Voice 15 inch full range.  The horns were Emilar with Electro-Voice drivers and the crossovers were also Electro-Voice.  The cabinet construction was 3/4" marine plywood with zero percent voids.  These were exceptional cabinets and when tuned were incredible.  They were also heavy, each weighed almost 100 pounds.  The sound quality, however, was worth the work.

